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Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty)

Rinoplasti istanbul


It is a procedure applied by adjusting the size and shape of the nose according to the facial structure with certain proportions. Rhinoplasty is applied not only to change the appearance of the nose, but also to ensure healthy breathing of the patient.

If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your nose or if you feel that you cannot breathe properly, we can find the suitable treatment for you together with our doctors.

Açık Kapalı Rinoplasti istanbul

Open Rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty is a surgical method that gives doctors more range of motion and intervention during surgery. Incisions are made around the right and left nostrils towards the middle of the nose, and the incisions merge on the anterior surface of the middle part of the nose. In this way, the skin and subcutaneous tissues are removed with the incision and the inside of the nose and the bone structure are reached. After the operations are performed in line with the purpose of the surgery, the operation is completed by suturing the incision site. After the surgery, there is a high probability of leaving an indistinct incision in the middle part of the nose (columella).

Closed Rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty is the process of intervening the nose by making incisions around the right and left nostrils. It is a surgical method that gives doctors a more limited chance of intervention during surgery compared to open nose surgery. There is no visible scar after the operation.


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