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Leg Lift

Leg Lift

With the effect of aging or weight gain / weight loss, the body may lose its elasticity and may cause skin sagging in the leg area. In these cases, the leg region does not look aesthetically nice, and that person may need leg stretching aesthetics as a permanent solution.

The problem of sagging skin and lubrication on the upper and inner sides of the legs is eliminated with leg stretching aesthetics. In thin patients with very little skin sagging, excess skin is removed to leave a horizontal scar on the inner side of the groin, and stretched and sutured. It is applied together with the liposuction method in patients with excessive skin sagging and fatty deposits.

Leg stretching aesthetics is performed with general anesthesia. This operation takes about 2-3 hours. You may need to stay in the hospital for 1 night after the surgery. You may need to use a stocking-like bandage that completely covers the leg for 3 weeks after the surgery. You can return to your normal life 7 days after the leg stretching aesthetics, but you should avoid movements that will tire the leg area extra. The full recovery period is about 2 months.


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