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Ear Aesthetics (Otoplasty)

It is the application of removing deformities that have occurred or congenital deformities in the ear cartilage. This problem, which is called prominent ear among the people, creates negative psychological effects and causes loss of self-confidence, is permanently eliminated with ear aesthetics. Prominent ear surgery is a procedure that takes approximately 1.5-2 hours. Depending on the change in the problem in the ear, the type of surgery may also change. Since this surgery is performed behind the ear, the scar is not visible. There are different methods in ear surgery. These methods vary depending on the structure of the ear cartilage tissue and the cause of the complaint, and are the methods that your doctor can decide.p>

Kulak Estetiği

About Ear Aesthetics Healing

Since the stitches thrown in the surgery are of the self-dissolving type, the stitches dissolve after about 1 week. 5-6 days after the ear aesthetic surgery, the person can return to his daily work life. It is important for the ear area not to be impacted for 3 months in terms of completing the ear shape. At the end of the 3rd month, the cartilage tissue will return to normal, so the impacts do not cause a problem.


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