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Face Lift

Face Lift Aesthetics

Face lift aesthetics is generally performed to correct fine and deep wrinkles on the face, to remove loosening and sagging of the skin, to reveal the jaw line and to provide a youthful expression to the face. In some cases, face lift aesthetics may not be sufficient, in addition, neck lift aesthetics can be applied as needed. Facelift aesthetics can be performed with local or general anesthesia. In facelift aesthetics, surgical incisions are made on the hairline and behind the ear. For your skin problems in the face area, sagging and wrinkles are corrected by stretching the subcutaneous tissue in the face and neck areas. The surgery takes an average of 2-4 hours. The incisions are closed by hiding them inside the hairline and behind the ear line, so the incision scar is not visible.

Yüz Germe Estetiği

Healing Process of Face Lift Aesthetics

It is of great importance that you fully follow the doctor's recommendations during the recovery period after facelift aesthetic surgery. After the surgery, bruising and swelling can be seen in the face area. Stitches are removed approximately one week after the operation. The patient can return to his daily life and work 7-10 days after the operation. The suture marks begin to decrease a few weeks after the surgery and become vaguely unnoticeable within six months.


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