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Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelids are extremely thin and flexible. With aging, the sagging of the eyelid due to the skin structure can cause a tired, unappealing appearance in the eyes of the person. Patients who are not satisfied with their appearance due to conditions such as under-eye bags and saggy skin can achieve the desired appearance with this surgery. Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is a procedure performed by removing excess skin and fat deposits from the upper and lower eyelids to reveal the eyes. Depending on the patient's eyelids, the doctor may treat the upper eyelids, the lower eyelids, or both.

Göz Kapağı İstatiği

The eyelid contour is drawn with a pencil for application. The operation is performed with local anesthesia, and excess skin is removed by making an incision on the scratched areas. During the operation, the patient is conscious, but does not feel the application areas. The incisions are sutured with a thin material. After the surgery, the patient can continue his / her daily life. Stitches are removed after an average of 5 days.


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