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Neck Lift

Neck Lift

Due to aging and gravity, certain wrinkles and sagging occur on the skin. These sagging in the face area are usually collected in the neck area and this skin appearance can make the person unhappy. For a permanent solution to this appearance, neck lift aesthetics is applied.

This application, which is performed under general anesthesia, is usually performed together with face lift aesthetics. Neck lift aesthetics takes about 1.5-2 hours. First, an incision is made from behind the ear to the scalp. The skin of the face and neck is stretched upwards and fixed with stitches made from the inside. Excess skin is cut and discarded. Thus, wrinkles and sagging are removed and the neck appears as taut and young skin. Since the incisions are placed behind the ear and at the base of the scalp, the surgical scar is not visible.

Neck Lift Aesthetics Recovery

After the surgery, a drain is placed under the neck to prevent blood flow and blood flow is prevented for 1 day. You can be discharged when the drains are removed.

There may be swelling, bruising and pain in the area where the surgery was performed. The swelling goes down and returns to normal after 8-10 days, depending on the person. The full recovery period may take up to 6 months depending on the skin structure and the sensitivity of the person during the treatment process.


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