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Aesthetic concerns are one of the important problems not only of women but also of men. One of the problems of many men is gynecomastia, which means female type breast enlargement.

 Gynecomastia İstanbul

Breast tissue in men is like breast tissue in women, both of them consists of fat and breast mass. Breast enlargement in men is not always a sign of disease. An unknown natural condition or obesity is among the most common causes of gynecomastia.

It is a frequently used method because it does not create any scars and also it is a painless process. The surgeries are performed as local anesthesia and general anesthesia depending on the type of treatment to be applied.

Lying down is recommended for the first three days. It is allowed to take a shower on the 3rd day of the operation. It is not recommended to take a shower with very hot water and take a long time. After the 3rd day, short walks and returning to daily life can begin.


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