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Botulinum Toxin

Botulinum Toxin

It is an application obtained under laboratory conditions from the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum, which temporarily immobilizes the muscles in the skin area to which it is applied, reduces wrinkles and at the same time allows the skin to renew itself during the effect.

Botox Uygulamaları

It is mostly used to remove wrinkles on the face, to eliminate headaches in chronic migraine patients, in the treatment of armpit, hand and foot sweating, and in the treatment of teeth grinding and clenching during sleep. It significantly reduces the prominence of lines formed on the face due to aging, at the same time, it allows the lines that have not yet settled on the face and become clear with repetitive muscle movements, without getting deeper. In addition, it terminates excessive sweating with its blocking effect on sweat glands.

When first applied to wrinkles on the face, its effect lasts for an average of 3-6 months. . With repetitive applications, this period extends up to 8-10 months over time. When first applied to the armpit, it regulates sweating for an average of 10-12 months. With repetitive applications, this period extends to 16-18 months.


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